Beiersdorf Project Endline Evaluation at Plan International

Evaluation Criteria: As per the MERL Policy, Plan International’s evaluations include assessments of:

  • Relevance: the extent to which the intervention objectives and design respond to beneficiaries, global, country, and partner/institution needs, policies, and priorities, and continue to do so if circumstances change.
  • Coherence: The compatibility of the intervention with other interventions in a country, sector or institution.
  • Effectiveness: the extent to which, the intervention achieved, or is expected to achieve its objectives, and its results, including any differential results across groups.
  • Efficiency: the extent to which the intervention delivers, or is likely to deliver, results in an economic and timely way.
  • Impact: the extent to which the intervention has generated or is expected to generate significant positive or negative, intended or unintended, higher-level effects.
  • Sustainability: the extent to which the net benefits of the intervention continue, or are likely to continue.
  • Lesson learnt: Identify significant lessons or conclusions which can be drawn from the project.

3.3. Evaluation Questions:

The specific evaluation questions to be answered are:

a. Relevance

i. To what extent has the project addressed the needs and demands of the beneficiaries in a disaggregated manner (according to relevant data requirements)?

ii. What has been the contribution of the project towards the achievement of the Beiersdorf objectives and goals?

b. Coherence

  • To what extent were context factors (political stability/instability, population movements etc) considered in the design and delivery of the intervention?
  • To what extent was the Beiersdorf project coherent with key policies and programmes of other partners operating within the same context?

c. Effectiveness

  • Were the selection criteria for the project’s target area justified?
  • What were the selection criteria for target beneficiaries?
  • What were the effects of the project on beneficiaries including both men and women?
  • What were the achievements of the project against the baseline set at programme inception (in both qualitative and quantitative terms)?

d. Efficiency

How efficient were the mechanisms used (training + tools) for provision of start-up kits, Cash and other forms of business start-up support to the project beneficiaries if any.

What were the factors and constraints which affected project implementation including technical, managerial, organizational, institutional and socio-economic policy issues in addition to other external factors unforeseen during the project design?

g. Impact:

  • What are the positive and negative changes produced by the project?
  • What are the immediate and long-term changes that the project has made in the lives of the target participants?
  • Sustainability How sustainable are the project interventions in terms of their effect on individual livelihood?
  • What was the level of satisfaction and the contributions provided by key-stakeholders of this intervention?
  •  What is the emerging impact on the communities for both men and women in terms of food security, income, etc.
  • Is the approach used likely to ensure a continued benefit after the end of the project?
  • Lessons learnt
  •  Analyze areas for improved programme planning, especially with respect to setting targets, relevance and capacity of institutions for project decision making and delivery. Examine the value added by PLAN International.
  • Identify significant lessons or conclusions which can be drawn from the project in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. Special attention may be given to the security situation and the coping strategies developed by the project to maintain work momentum.
  • What significant innovation can be replicated by other projects from the implementation of the Beiersdorf project as a lesson learnt

3.4. Child Rights, Gender And Inclusion

  • In line with Plan International’s values and organizational ambition, all evaluations should seek to priorities a focus on child rights, gender and inclusion of all groups including children with disabilities.
  • All other evaluation questions prioritized should also seek to mainstream child rights, gender lenses and inclusion considerations as a part of their enquiry.

4. Users of the Evaluation

All Evaluation findings is intended to be presented to Plan International staff and offices, project participants and stakeholders, donors, and partners. It is our hope that this will provide an in-depth insight into program achievement and serve as a guide for stakeholders and partners in the implementation of future projects. A detailed dissemination plan will be designed by Plan International.

Plan International Nigeria works with communities, civil society organizations, development partners, government at all levels and the private sector. For more information of this job, click here:

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to: using the position as subject of email.

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