MEAL Manager at Global Village Healthcare Initiative for Africa (GHIV Africa)

Position: MEAL Manager (paid, full-time)
Line Manager: Humanitarian Advisor/ Executive Director
Starting date: ASAP
Location:  Borno (Maiduguri, Gwoza, Damboa, Nganzai, Kaga and Banki)
Duration: 8 months (with the possibility of extension based on performance).


The MEAL Manager will be responsible for the overall management of the MEAL implementation of the GHIV Africa Mission. S/he will also supervise the activities assigned to and/or implemented by partners/co-facilitators in Projects lead by PIN.

The MEAL Manager will have the overall responsibility of project MEAL activities and will support MEAL coordination to ensure project quality and information dissemination. S/he will lead the development of a full-fledged MEAL strategy in coordination with the HOP, Programme Managers, and donor’s staff. S/he will develop tools for quantitative and qualitative data collection, oversee the initial stages of data collection, supervise data validity and quality of analysis. S/he will build capacity of MEAL staff (Officers, Assistants etc.) and together with them, s/he will facilitate capacity building of all project staff on MEAL topics, including partner staff, to ensure consistent and systematic data collection that can be compared throughout the project and supervise them too.


  • Review project MEAL plan in coordination with local Program team members and donor
  • Oversee the design and implementation of project MEAL activities and tools
  • Develop the projects results framework and indicator tracking tables
  • Oversee capacity development of all project staff, including partner staff, to ensure consistent and systematic data collection that can be compared throughout each project
  • Coordinate with PIN’s partners and donors on a technical level to harmonize information reporting as needed by the donor
  • Promote a culture of “learning from mistakes” and “evidence-based adaptive programming” in the project team as well as among partners
  • Develop internal feedback channel between MEAL and project team to utilize data generated by MEAL team for decision-making and corrective measures
  • Network with external stakeholders to promote wider learning
  • Review ToRs for studies and evaluations
  • Ensure quality of data of all project partners as well as external evaluators by developing and implementing standard Data Quality Assurance (DQA) protocol
  • Ensure quality of all MEAL reports, including studies and evaluations
  • Planning, implementation, progress tracking and reporting:
  • Provide technical support during project MEAL planning, including guidance on developing the Results Framework, Indicator Tracking Table (ITT), and methodologies and MEAL tools
  • Maintain an overview/calendar of planned MEAL related activities (baselines, mid-term, endline surveys, other data collection and research activities, and evaluations) to be undertaken in ongoing projects
  • Provide technical support in activity and results-based monitoring (surveys, FGDs, KIIs, etc.) in the field, including ensuring that MEAL unit, project teams, implementing partners and enumerators follow the instructions/agreed methodology
  • Support project teams in the interpretation of findings, formulation of recommendations and reporting
  • Support project teams in preparation for regular project review meetings, including regular update of ITT and reporting on indicators, and organization of dedicated MEAL meetings as needed
  • Support consultants and research partners in conducting commissioned evaluations/activities (e.g. interpretation, conducting FGDs or interviews, etc.)
  • Provide technical support in evaluations and other research activities, including engaging in ToR preparation, selection of consultants, review of evaluation design and data collection methodology, data quality assurance, data analysis, involvement of stakeholders and dissemination plan
  • Support Program Managers in setting up and maintaining the project database
  • Support Program teams in planning for and implementation of Beneficiary Feedback Mechanisms (BFMs) providing opportunity for beneficiaries to receive information about PIN commitment and standards, raise suggestions and recommendations for improvements, and understand protocols for action to be taken in response
  • Provide technical support in developing and managing Complaints Response Mechanism (CRM) tools to ensure accessibility by beneficiaries and stakeholders
  • Support Program teams in the identification and documentation of lessons learned and best practices
  • Facilitate dissemination of assessment and MEAL findings to stakeholders via preparation of learning/MEAL briefs, fact sheets, and presentations
  • Identify MEAL capacity development needs of staff, and provide tailor-made, practical trainings to project staff based on capacity needs assessment
  • Ensure that all MEAL unit, project team members and implementing partners’ staff understand and know how to use MEAL tools. This is to be achieved through intensive, direct on-job-training with a focus on practical application of MEAL tools
  • Train MEAL unit, related project team members and implementing partners in assessment methodologies and tools Orient project team members, partners, and key stakeholders
  • Supervise MEAL Officers, Assistants, AAP and communications Assistant Enumerators and Data Clark.

Desirable Skills and Behaviors

  • Holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving results together with children and role modelling GHIV Africa’s values
  • Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities – giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved
  • Creates a managerial environment in-country to lead, enable and maintain our culture of child safeguarding.
  • Sets ambitious and challenging goals for self and team, takes responsibility for own personal development and encourages team to do the same
  • Widely shares personal vision for GHIV Africa’s, engages and motivates others
  • Future oriented, thinks strategically and on a global scale
  • Builds and maintains effective relationships, with own team, colleagues, members, donors and partners
  • Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
  • Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to
  • Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
  • Willing to take disciplined risks
  • Honest, encourages openness and transparency
  • Always acts in the best interests of GHIV Africa


Method of Application

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