Request for Expression of Interest for The Development Gender Election Watch App (GEW APP) at Nigerian Women’s Trust Fund (WF)

About NWTF
The Nigerian Women Trust Fund (NWTF) started in 2011 with the mandate to increase the representation of women in Nigeria’s governance system at all levels and address the growing concerns about the gender imbalance in elective and appointive positions. The Nigerian Women Trust Fund (NWTF) is a national organization that works across 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja is a nonpartisan organization. NWTF runs with a vision of a Nigeria where women and men engage equally in governance leading to National Development   NWTF’s thematic focus includes:

a. Governance, Gender and Leadership
b. Research, Advocacy and Documentation
c.   Fundraising and Grantmaking
d.  Organizational effectiveness

NWTF requires the services of a  competent IT firm or a team of developers to develop a web-based application and a mobile app that will enable data collection from field officers with a dashboard that displays the information received in charts and maps in real-time


  • the web app will have multi-level admin access like Admin, Super Admin, Observers and general Public user interface.
  • The app will have an onboarding page for observers to register and subsequently be able to login into the portal where they can at a click of a button and fill out forms be able to upload data and report incidents.
  • The web app would have a graphical dashboard to display in tables, maps and charts, information received as aggregate and individually and tied to the profile of each reporter.
  • The web app should be hosted on a stable server that will guarantee the stability of the app and enough security measures in place to mitigate DDOS and other attacks
  • The app must be scalable and be easy to add or remove features as reality unfolds
  • Admin should be able to generate and download required reports with few clicks and standard users should be able to view all reports and navigate easily.
  • The web app should be able to run on all the latest versions of popular web browsers on the system and mobile devices in a responsive manner

The deadline for submission of all EOI is 7 November 2022

  • The successful IT firm or developers would be responsible for the development as well as deployment of the apps online.
  • The IT Firm shall deploy a server-side application that will provide all API endpoints for the mobile app and dashboard on the server
  • The app should be deployed to amazon web service with unlimited bandwidths
  • The IT Firm will have to work with our already developed prototype, though NWTF is open to more information on it.
  • The IT Firm will have to ensure proper deployment of the mobile application on Apple AppStore for iOS and Google Play store for Android.
  • source code of the apps would be given to NWTF after the project, all the data will be stored in the DB server except any sensitive data that is not permissible to be stored on our system. This data will be used for analytics, prefetching data, and push notifications to Stakeholders.

3.0 Eligibility 
The Bidder/Applicant shall be a Nigerian company incorporated, under the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990 by the Corporate Affairs Commission.
The Bidder/Applicant must be compliant with relevant regulatory bodies in Nigeria including; The Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP), National Pension Commission (PENCOM), The Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), Industrial Training Fund (ITF), Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), etc.
The Bidder/Applicant shall have active memberships and registrations with relevant ICT regulatory bodies such as; the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Computer Professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN), etc.
The Bidder/Applicant must not have been declared bankrupt/insolvent or should not have filed for bankruptcy/insolvency in the past five years or in the process of being declared bankrupt/insolvent before any designated authority in any country.
Bidder/Applicant shall have full cycle implementation of software development services in the areas of digital data collection to stakeholders in reputed institutions/organizations in Nigeria.
The Bidder/Applicant should have at least one Mobile application(s) in any domain, at the time of EOI submission at both Apple App Store and Google Play store.
The Bidder/Applicant should not have been black-listed by any Nigerian or international authorities.

4.0 Documents to be submitted alongside a proposal
The following documents are required to be submitted along with the EOI bid. Non-submission of any documents or submission of incomplete, misleading, or false information may render the bidder liable for summarily rejection or cancellation of its EOI.

  • A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  • Copy of Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association.
  • Evidence of the company’s Income Tax Clearance Certificate.
  • Latest audited Annual Report of the Company for the last three fiscal years.
  • Experience / Job Completion Certificate from at least three separate companies wherein the Bidder/Applicant has done a full cycle implementation of similar projects, especially in data collection projects.
  • Details along with certifications for at least one Mobile application(s) in any domain by the bidder, on the Apple App Store and Google Play store. The applications could be different or the same in the two stores
  • Bank Account number in name of Business/Company

Time frame
The app is expected to be developed eight weeks from the date of the contract issuance.

6.0 Conditions
The vendor must be a reputable service provider. Background checks will be conducted on all bidders
All the pages should have page numbering. and be authenticated by an authorized Person(s).
A soft copy of the EOI should be submitted via the email address provided above.
The Bidders/Applicants are advised to study the requirements of the Foundation thoroughly before submitting their application.

Method of Application

NWTF hereby calls on qualified companies/IT firms/developers to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) – both narrative and detailed budget – for the development of GEW Monitor, detailed proposal and budget should be sent to

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